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Private Practice Mentoring

White Fabric

Guidance session for trainees and therapists embarking on or already navigating the realms of private practice. With insights from years of expertise, this mentorship session offers a deep dive into business acumen, administrative processes, ethical marketing, and financial planning in the therapy domain. I hope to support you uphold the highest standards of therapeutic integrity while ensuring your practice is both fulfilling and sustainable.


I have curated and delivered two successful runs of a beginner level workshop on the business side considerations for therapists starting & running a private practice.


Ethical Marketing

  • Ethics in marketing

  • Overcoming Hesitation and Fears

  • Marketing Modalities

  • Building a Brand

  • LinkedIn Audit

  • Building your Website






  • Deciding your fee

  • Increasing your fee

  • Implementing Cancellation policy

  • Planning finances

  • Tracking systems


Administrative Procesures

  • Setting up

  • Structuring your time

  • Consent Form

  • Policies

  • Intake Procedure

  • Learning and Development

  • Documentation

  • Managing Loneliness



"It was helpful, especially the finance part. If I had to figure all of this out on my own, it would've taken me a lot of time, energy and experience."

"Really appreciated the space and the nuggets of wisdom. Especially the invitation to harmonize compassion and boundaries."

"It was relatable and made so much sense given my current situation. All my concerns felt acknowledged. Else I was just struggling to make sense if this is only my situation."

White Fabric
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